I have decided to explain our working model (the Touchpoints Toolbox) in a few steps to help companies get a little more clarity on where to start if things are not working properly in marketing & sales.
We start with the brand, the brand positioning and the brand promise.
Why are there so many companies without a clear picture of what they stand for, what they want to achieve and how they want to realise it? or, would they buy from your company themselves and if so, why?
Of course, there can be many reasons for this, but one key reason is that corporate strategies today have to face up to the challenges of the market (disruption). It is no longer enough to have a well-known brand, I also have to be able to offer the right products and services that the core target group needs.
I would therefore like to expand a little and briefly insert the theoretical part: what is the basis for the company's image, i.e. the corporate identity?
There can of course be many reasons for this, but one key reason is that corporate strategies nowadays have to face up to the challenges of the market (disruption). It is no longer enough to have a well-known brand, I also have to be able to offer the right products and services that the core target group needs.
I would therefore like to expand a little and briefly insert the theoretical part of what is actually the basis for the corporate image, that is the corporate identity.
So what is corporate identity?
Corporate identity is the strategic, visual and emotional representation of a company, including its values, its mission and its overall image. It includes various elements such as logos, colours, fonts and messages that are used consistently across all communication channels to build a strong and recognisable brand. A well-defined corporate identity helps organisations to build a unique and consistent brand image that differentiates them from their competitors and leaves a lasting impression on their target audience. It also plays a crucial role in shaping customer perception of a company and influences their decision-making process. Overall, corporate identity is crucial to building a coherent brand that reflects the personality of the organisation and resonates with the target audience.

Corporate Identity 4 Bereiche spiegeln die Firma nach aussen. (Quelle Marketing.ch)
The 4 pillars of a corporate identity are:
1. #corporateculture: the values, norms and behaviours that are lived in a company and shape the self-image of its employees.
2. #corporatedesign: The visual appearance of a company, which is characterised by uniform design elements such as logo, colours, fonts and imagery.
3. #communicationpolicy: The way in which a company communicates to the outside world, e.g. via advertising, PR or social media. A uniform language and message should be conveyed.
4. #corporatebehaviour: The company's behaviour towards customers, suppliers and employees as well as the quality of the products or services offered. Here it is important that the corporate culture is also recognisable in the company's behaviour.
What does this have to do with brand, brand positioning and brand promise?
Corporate identity plays an important role in connection with brand, brand positioning and brand promise. This is because it forms the foundation for a strong brand and ensures a uniform external image. A clear brand positioning is based on the values and culture of the company, which in turn are part of the corporate identity. Only when these elements are harmonised can a credible brand message be conveyed and the brand promise be kept. A well thought-out corporate identity is therefore essential for a successful brand strategy.
A brand promise is a clear statement that a brand makes to show its customers what they can expect from the brand. It can be seen as a kind of promise or guarantee that the brand makes to its customers. A good brand promise should be unique and convincing and reflect the identity and values of the brand. It should give the customer confidence that the brand will deliver on its promise and thus provide them with a better customer experience than other brands. A successful brand promise can help build customer loyalty and strengthen the brand's image. It is therefore important for a brand to clearly define and consistently realise its brand promise.
It is therefore important to put the 3 things together in such a way that the image is created for the defined target customer (persona) that will be/is the brand I trust.
What does this mean in practice and where do we start?
In our experience, the mistakes in marketing & sales are often found within the customer journey. We, on the other hand, first look at the strategy part.
Only when we have clarity here as to whether the corporate identity shown to us is coherent would we start with the conceptualisation of measures for customer acquisition and customer loyalty at touchpoints.
We have therefore added a small catalogue of questions to help you reflect on your own corporate identity.
5 steps to a review / readjustment of the corporate identity (based on Godaddy/99 designs)
It's nice to know what corporate identity is, but how do you create a coherent corporate identity concept for your company?
No matter how long your company has been on the market, there was a reason why it was founded: What was the motivation for founding the company, what was the vision and purpose, how should the company develop or how was it originally intended to develop, can you answer these questions and have a clear idea of your company? Then you are creating a good basis for success!
Where does your company stand? In order to get started or move forward, it is important to know where you stand. Questions that will help you find answers are:What do your existing customers think about your company?What do your employees think?What impression do you make to the outside world?Start surveys and take feedback seriously - both positive and negative. You can learn from it and further develop your corporate identity.
Your competition never sleeps! Your company is only as good as its ability to hold its own against the competition. On the one hand, this means showing expertise and a certain degree of conformity in the market. At the same time, your company will only stand out if it stands out from the crowd. To get to know your competition better, ask yourself these questions:What can you find out about your competitors' corporate identity?What do you like, what don't you like?What do you think are the components that make a successful company?Write down your results. These notes are especially important when you are building your corporate identity.
What is your vision? Corporate identities move with the times. That's why it helps to always be one step ahead of the times. Ask yourself where you want to be with the company in five years' time... Where do you want to be with your company in five years' time... How do you want your company to be structured? What will your product or service range look like?
Now it's time to develop or review your CI! Now that you've done the important groundwork, take all your findings and create your individual corporate identity! Important: In addition to the design, don't forget the culture and personality of your company and your target customers. Get to work!
Of course, there are also examples of coherent and lived corporate identities that took years to become credible.
Coca-Cola (Keeps the brand on top with advertising and coherent design)
Tesla (Does no advertising at all and is still a disruptor and market leader)
Victorinox (Who doesn't know the legendary pocket knives)
Apple (Is there a life without IPhone)
Nespresso (What else?)
You are welcome to add your own experience as to why you buy from or favour a brand.
Of course there are also losers, e.g.
Sony ("My first Sony" used to be)
Nokia (unfortunately no longer on the shopping list)
Lancia (The noble Fiat with a rally career as Lancia Delta)
Why this digression? I hope it becomes clear that you always have to work on your positioning and your target image in order to turn your target customers into fans of your brand(s). If this has whetted your appetite, why not put your company to the test - it's worth it.
We are happy to help with marketing, sales and customer service problems, but without a coherent strategy, this will cost you a lot of money.
Arguments in favour of a defined corporate identity
Companies that are strongly differentiated, expanding or operating with a broad product range need to work on a corporate identity for their public image at an early stage.
Corporate identity is not a static entity. It is progressive, changeable and adaptable.
Corporate identity is seen as a parallel to ego identity. ("Do companies have personalities?")
The corporate identity develops from the context of the company's appearance, publications, advertising and actions.
Corporate identity is more than the design of signets, emblems and symbols.
Corporate identity can only be effective if it is long-term and sustainable, because the integrative power of all identity components will only develop "on the long run".
In a society that is increasingly based on information, a distinctive corporate identity provides an advantage within the flood of information.
Corporate identity brings about a new, better and long-term positioning of your company.
A corporate identity programme must be introduced by the company management and constantly monitored for its implementation and impact.
The establishment of a corporate identity requires the involvement and participation of all employees of a company.
I look forward to your feedback and will explain the topic of customer lifecycle in more detail in the next instalment. After all, we want customers to buy more than once...
Martin from Touchpoints
TP/Winkel ZH 3/24