The year 2022 is drawing to a close, Christmas is just around the corner and we would like to take a moment to say thank you.
Thank you for your trust in our services.
Thank you for the cohesion among us.
Thank you for all the wonderful conversations we were able to have.
Thank you for the moments when we were able to meet and exchange ideas again.
Thank you for the sometimes fun team, zoom or e-talks/ webinars.
We really got used to using new tools, new forms of communication and new processes after Corona. Not everything is running smoothly yet, and sometimes we too fall into a real email battle to realise projects. Sorry to keep falling back on old communication patterns.
Even in 2022, the impression remained that time doesn't matter. Good things sometimes take time.
Stay healthy and enjoy a nice Christmas and a good start into 2023.
Martin Lange
Touchpoints GmbH
Instead of customer gifts, we are once again donating an amount to www.KinderForKinder.ch this year.