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Writer's pictureTouchpoints Beratung

The Touchpoints brand has now been around for 20 years

Touchpoints Marken Prozess 2002
Touchpoints Marken Prozess 2002

Exactly 20 years ago, we were allowed to register the word and image trademark Touchpoints in Switzerland and Madrid. It was a gut decision to give the company's flagship a legal framework.

Touchpoints Wort Bild Marke Logo 2002
Touchpoints Wort Bild Marke Logo 2002

The creation was a process together with Leiko Sasaki, my business partner, and Marc Lion, who, as an architect, dealt with the language of forms and type.

In the process, Marc adapted the font slightly. If you look closely, you will see a beautiful Century Gotic, which then became the house font.

But much more important was the meaning behind it and the process up to the logo, how we entered it.

We wanted to be modern, but not too loud, we wanted to take care of the touchpoints to the customers of our clients and focus strongly on the communication factor. Just think, we started in the early phase of the CRM boom and the topic "customer in the centre" was on everyone's lips.

The subline describes where we wanted to help and still do after 20 years, in the communication with the prospective customer or customer before, during and after the purchase. This can only be done by positively influencing the customer's perception. If we manage to start here, customers are willing to rethink their behaviour and go the last mile. Brands like VW understood this in the past but are not in the top league today. Porsche is more likely to achieve this, but so is Tesla, which relies heavily on customer communication.

The chosen colours give us some distance, which we need as counsellors. Some say this is too sober, but we finally decided in favour of it.

The logo has been adapted many times in the meantime. With the social media consultation, many things became more colourful and wild.

touchpoints rund Logo Facebook
touchpoints Rund Logo Facebook

Then in 2021 we questioned it again. The problem is that long logos on social media don't work. Something square or round is needed.

Hence the decision to sharpen the logo and add a decorative mark. Thanks for this to Yvonne Adams from Adams & Evas

Touchpoints Logo 2021
Touchpoints Logo 2021

Touchpoints Schmuckzeichen 2021
Touchpoints Schmuckzeichen 2021

We have evolved, the logo too, but the task has remained the same. We are still optimising the touchpoints to our clients' customers, and today we are 80 % digital and online. For us, it's an exciting task to stay up-to-date and relevant for the future.

Your Touchpointers


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