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Information is the foundation of every business process, and the quality of the data captured, stored and used inevitably impacts the company's business today and tomorrow.


In short, poor data quality destroys business value, because data gives rise to the information that constitutes knowledge and generates the business insights that lead to competitive advantage and secure market position. It is comparable to the foundation of a house: only if it is solid can we expect it to withstand earthquakes.



The Fleischli bakery, well known in the Zurich Unterland region, employs around 300 people in 14 branches in the Zurich area. Thanks to their outstanding team, they offer their customers a fresh, original range and a unique experience every day. 


With such a large number of branches and loyal customers every day, it was difficult for the bakery to manage its customer base.


This is where Touchpoints came in and improved the data quality by standardising, cleansing and checking for duplicates and then transferring the data into a web-based customer database (#CDP) for future joint processing and maintenance.

In addition to Fleischli Bakery, there are many other important brands that rely on us for data management. 



Using unreliable data comes at a cost in terms of missed opportunities, poor decisions and time spent researching, cleaning and correcting errors. 



Collaborative data management and tools to correct errors at the point of origin are effective ways to ensure data quality for all users. 



If you are also struggling with this problem, contact us to find out what we offer. We will be happy to help you achieve your desired goals.



Martin Lange 


Customer relationship management is the be-all and end-all of marketing, sales and service. If you want loyal customers, you have to invest time and money in them. The right strategy (not software) helps to achieve significantly higher turnover and high customer satisfaction. So far, we have been able to get even more turnover out of every project, while reducing costs.


Since 1999, our marketing & sales experts optimize customer projects. touchpoints is a marketing consultancy founded in Winkel/Zurich

© 1999-2022 Touchpoints GmbH             8185 Winkel/Zurich                +41 43 422 92 14

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