Planet Crust helps software vendors, enterprises, governments, non-governmental organisations and public sector organisations of all kinds around the world to optimise and run their business processes at a fraction of the cost of traditional vendors.
1. Improve communication both between your employees and with your customers.
2. Reduce costs, especially for software, technology, personnel and intellectual property.
3. Increase productivity by reducing information and communication bottlenecks.
4. Increase performance with better decision making and greater flexibility in responding to events.

Corteza ist eine zu 100 % quelloffene Low-Code-Plattform, die weltweit bei Softwareanbietern und Unternehmen in Bereichen wie Compliance, Verteidigung, Katastrophenhilfe, Bildung, Finanzen, Gesundheitswesen, Personalwesen, Managed Services, Marktforschung, Einzelhandel, Telekommunikation und anderen eingesetzt wird.
With Corteza, you can shape your data into any shape you want and use that data to create an unlimited number of data-driven applications that you can deploy on demand. To give you a better idea, here are some of the ways customers are using Planet Crust's Corteza platform.
1. Software Vendor Platform: Leverage the full flexibility of a low-code platform
2. Integration platform: Optimizing your processes by centralizing and automating all processes
3. CRM: Streamline and automate tasks for greater efficiency
4. Case Management: Build what you need to resolve support cases faster
5. Smart Cities: Build trust in your city government
6. Supply Chain Management: Minimize late shipments and logistical errors
7. Patient Management: Improving patient intake and avoiding treatment errors


Martin Lange
Maintaining customer relationships is the be-all and end-all in marketing, sales and service. If you want loyal customers, you need to invest time and money in them. The right strategy (not software) leads to significantly higher sales and high customer satisfaction. So far we have been able to get even more sales out of every project while reducing costs.