Telekom Austria is the leading provider of fixed net services with consolidated revenues of € 4 billion and about 13,000 employees. The Group for mobile and data communications as well as Internet services in Austria with a market share in the fixed net segment of about 55% (= about 2.3 million residential customers), Telekom Austria is able to maintain this market share at a high quality customer value-oriented level due to market regulation requirements and emerging competition.

However, this has led to an increasingly low 'take-up' rate of business due to a lack of precision in targeting and a lengthy planning phase for initiatives due to the lack of linkage of existing customer information.
Touchpoint has helped the Mobile Group to reduce the time-to-market of initiatives by 1-2 weeks and to optimally fill sales channels with prospects/leads according to their needs.
Why CRM?
CRM requires a focus on the customer and their needs. For many companies, this means adapting processes in order to be able to deal with customers more effectively and in a more relevant way. Are you prepared for such changes in your company?

Martin Lange
Customer relationship management is the be-all and end-all of marketing, sales and service. If you want loyal customers, you have to invest time and money in them. The right strategy (not software) helps to achieve significantly higher turnover and high customer satisfaction. So far, we have been able to get even more turnover out of every project, while reducing costs.