Our partner #BOTfriends, a technology startup from Würzburg, offers a diverse technology platform for conversational business.
The focus of BOTfriends is on the development and design of chatbots for messenger platforms and voice assistants with the help of artificial intelligence and complements our offer to let many little helpers become active in the future.
In our partnership, BOTfriends specialises in the development from proof of concepts to highly customised corporate solutions through neuro linguistic programming (NLP), machine learning and API integrations. Previous clients such as Porsche, s. Oliver or Innogy, but also international organisations such as the Cookhouse Lab in Toronto, love the platform and its compatibility with large-scale systems.
With the following use case, we leave the usual type of use for chatbots and dedicate ourselves to the automated purchase negotiation via case-based chatbot.
Wouldn't it be great if you could leave the purchasing negotiations with suppliers to a bot?
This use case in particular shows what is already conceivable today in order to create a very efficient process for purchasing. Up to what cost level of purchasing volumes with rather smaller suppliers does it make little sense for the purchasing team to personally oversee the process and negotiation and handle every step?
This is where a chatbot can take over the work from procurement and achieve direct cost savings:

Use Case Price Negotiation B2B Purchasing, presentation BOTfriends, 2021.
Solution approach:
We define a limit in the company up to which expenditure (and income) a personal negotiation does not make sense, e.g. up to a purchase value of 20,000 EUR. We now give all positions below this value to the bot as a task.
In an email, the supplier receives a personal link to a special landing page for his purchasing process. When the supplier enters this landing page and logs in, the bot guides him through the process to negotiate the target price for the purchase. According to a case study by BOTfriends, an average discount of 2.5% could be achieved just by using the bot! By the way, the bot learns over the course of the negotiations.
Would such a project be interesting for your company? Talk to us to start a successful project for you. #touchpoints #botfriends